Music Theatre Intensive
Do you love musical theatre? Want to hone your skills in acting, singing, dancing and more?
The ArtsBridge 3-Day Music Theatre Intensive gives high school students the opportunity to work with theatre professionals in a concentrated workshop environment, provides experiential skills both on and off the stage, and culminates in a final, student-produced showcase.
The Performance Track, comprised of Acting the Song, Dance Technique, Ensemble Work, Audition Preparation, and Business Skills sessions, will culminate with a student-led showcase performance of student work, and is comprised of a cast of 25. (Auditions are no longer required to sign up for this intensive – please just click the register button above!)
Sarah Clay Lindvall – Auditions 101 and Vocal Coaching
Tim Evanicki – The College Audition
Leigh Ann Cannady – Vocal Coaching
Kenneth Green – Choreography
Arie Motschman – Collaborative Piano
Class Descriptions:
Auditions 101
There is a lot more that goes into an audition than the song you sing. Make the most of your time in the audition room with Auditions 101 – from headshots to resumes, attire to repertoire, and everything in between, this class will give you the skills to fully prepare for your next audition. Learn to clearly market, showcase, and hone your unique qualities to nail your next audition!
Theatre Audition Advisors Presentation
With so many performing arts colleges out there, you may be overwhelmed with choosing the right one for you. Thankfully, there’s an app for that! The STAR app is the first fully automated web based program that helps you manage all of the moving parts of the college audition. With personal timeline calendars, automated reminders, and a database with over 325 performing arts college programs, the STAR app has made this chaotic journey easier. Learn more about it during this lunch & learn!
The College Audition
Does the college audition process seem daunting? Do you know which school is the best choice for you? Want guidance on applications, school selections, audition advice, and more? Tim Evanicki, Juilliard grad and author of “The College Audition” will walk you through the basics of preparing your college auditions with success! If you like what he has to share, sign up for his incredible workshop series this fall – The College Audition Workshop Series! You get 5 workshops for only $600, and he will walk you through every step of your college audition process! Don’t miss this opportunity to nail your dream school’s audition!
Vocal Coaching Masterclass
Students will coach their audition cuts with vocal coaches, Leigh Ann Cannady and Sarah Clay Lindvall, and will receive helpful tips, tricks, and recommendations in vocal technique, repertoire selection, musical cuts and markings, acting the song, and more. Students will then work the ensemble piece for the Final Showcase, “Show People”, and will learn tips and tricks to prepare for an ensemble call-back.
Repertoire Selection
There are so many song choices to choose from – be sure to choose the best repertoire to showcase YOU! Get advice and ask all of your repertoire questions during this lunch & learn session.
Dance Call
Kenneth Green will give students the experience of a mock dance call. He will also share helpful tools for quick memorization in regards to choreography. This choreography will be used in the Final Showcase.
Mock Auditions
Learn to maximize your experience in the audition room with a mock audition – complete with audition panel of university and casting representatives, vocal coaches, and more! You’ll receive immediate feedback and coaching on your audition, and will have the opportunity to improve your skills on the spot!
Casting & University Representative Panel
Have questions for those who sit behind the audition table? Now you’ll have the opportunity to have all of your audition questions answered! This lunch & learn panel discussion will provide insight into the world of casting, what those behind the table look for and often see, their advice for success, and more.
Final Showcase
You’ll have the chance to share all of the work you coached during the intensive in one culminating showcase. Invite your families and friends, and share your new skills!