2018 Performing and Visual Arts College Fair
ArtsBridge Foundation is excited to host the 2018 Atlanta Performing & Visual Arts College Fair! NACAC Performing and Visual Arts fairs connect you to colleges and universities with majors for students passionate about the arts, as well as other specialized arts programs.
Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre
2800 Cobb Galleria Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30339
6:00-6:45 p.m. – Admissions 101 Panel
7:00-9:00 p.m. – College Fair
Parking: $6.00
Register before the fair to make the most of your time onsite and ensure that colleges can follow up with you.
Review the list of colleges that will be at the fair. Upon arrival at the fair, pick up a map to find your best-fitting colleges.
Counselors will be available onsite to help you determine the colleges that meet your requirements regarding major, location, and other areas of interest.
More information about the Atlanta Performing & Visual Arts College Fair is available at NACACFairs.org.
Check back for more participating schools as they’re added! Check out the NACAC Newsletter to learn which schools have programs to fit your major and career goals.