Frequently Asked Questions (as of July 2024)
Q: How can I learn more about this year’s program?
A: We will host a Pre-Registration Virtual Town Hall in order to provide information and answer questions about the 2024-25 GHSMTA season on Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 6:00PM . If you aren't able to attend, a recording of the meeting can be found on the GHSMTA landing page. Additional detailed information explaining the registration process, along with a completed sample of the document with the required questions can also be found on both the on the GHSMTA landing page, as well as our social media platforms.
Q: When does the registration for the 2024-25 Georgia High School Musical Theatre Awards - Shuler Hensley Awards® open?
A: Registration will open promptly on Monday, August 6, 2024 at 7:00pm. Be at the ready! It is the only date and time that registration will be open – slots fill up in as little as 10 minutes!
Q: What schools are eligible to participate in the GHSMTA program?
A: Any high school or registered home school organization in Georgia that has been granted the legal rights to produce a full-length musical within the adjudication season, and who's show is found on the Approved Qualifying Musical Show List offered by The Broadway League is eligible to participate.
Q: Where do I register for the 2024-25 GHSMTAs?
A: Participants must register ONLY through our online Acceptd platform. Please refer to the registration steps outlined on the GHSMTA landing page. We also recommend attending the Pre-Registration Town Hall which offers information on our program, answers questions and walks through each of the steps required to apply as a participating school.
Q: How many schools can register for the 2024-25 GHSMTA program?
A: We are able to accommodate 50 participating schools in the GHSMTA program. We are evaluating the possibility of adding a few more slots, however, approval has not been confirmed. Availability for school participation is determined on a first-come, first-served basis as based on completion and submission of the registration form (Part 1 of Section A) via the Acceptd platform. Acceptd will automatically close after the quota has been filled.
Q: I missed the deadline to be one of the participating schools. Is there a waitlist?
A: Yes. You will find the link to the waitlist o the ArtsBridge Acceptd Homepage.
In addition, if you were in the process of completing your registration form when the available slots were filled, then you will receive a pop-up message at the top of the page advising you that the registration is officially closed. However, you will still have access to the link that is listed on the ArtsBridge Acceptd Homepage.
Q: Is there a cost to register for the 2024-2025 GHSMTA program?
A: The registration cost is $250. Online payment is due by Friday, September 13, 2024 at 5:00pm. If paying by check, the check must be received in our offices by the above mentioned due date.
Q: What does this $250 registration fee cover?
A: The registration fee covers the cost to use the online administrative platform Acceptd.
Q: What forms of payment can a participating GHSMTA school use to pay the $250 registration fee?
A: Online payment using a link that you will receive upon confirmation of your participation for Credit card payment, or mail a check to ArtsBridge Foundation, 2800 Cobb Galleria Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30339.
Q: What kinds of questions are on the registration application?
To claim one of the available slots for the 2024-25 GHSMTA program, a school must complete and submit Section A Part 1 of the Director's Application via the Acceptd platform. The form has been simplified to only include basic information that is readily known and available to all directors. To view a sample of a completed application, click here.
Please join us for the Pre-Registration Town-Hall on Thursday, July 25, 2024 to walk through the exact process you will need to complete for registration. See the link t the zoom meeting on the GHSMTA landing page.
Q: If the show that my school would like to produce this year is not listed on the 2024 Jimmy’s Qualifying Roles and Show’s list is there anything that I, as a director, can do?
A: Yes. Working together with Elizabeth Lenhart , the Director of Arts Education, you can fill out an official appeal form and request a new show submission to be added to the list. The Broadway League/Jimmy’s Appeals Review Committee meets once a quarter. If a school would like to submit an appeal, please contact Beth directly at
It is also HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that they submit an appeal as soon as possible, to ensure a timely response since the process can take weeks/months to receive an offical result.
NOTE: A school can still participate in the GHSMTA with a musical not on the approved Qualifying Roles and Show's list, they just would be ineligible to have candidates considered for Leading Performer nominees. Additionally, the school would not be considered eligible for an Overall Production nominee without written consent from the licensing house that the show could be performed during the live broadcasted awards show.
Q: Can I, as a director, and my team set up a time to ask further questions with an ArtsBridge staff member about the 2024-2025 GHSMTA?
A: Yes, a director and their team may set up a 30 minute session with our Director of Arts Education, Elizabeth Lenhart, in order to talk further and in more detail about the 2024-25 GHSMTAs. You can request a session via email at
Q: Are there any save-the-dates that I should know about?
A: Yes.
Pre-Registration Town Hall: Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 6:00PM
Registration Day: August 6, 2024 at 7:00PM
Registration Fee due date: Friday, September 13, 2024 at 5:00pm.
Please note that complete confirmation of participation includes the receipt of your registration fee by the due date above.
The Registered Director's Virtual Town Hall isThursday, September 11, 2024 at 6:00pm. Those schools who received a confirmation of participation are obligated to attend this session.
Q: Is there still a Process to Performance video requiremet as part of the application process?
A: We no longer require a separate Process to Performance VIdeo Project. Instead, the information we deemed necessary have been integrated as informal questions within the normal application section with response options that include either a quick form (informal) selfie-style recording uploads or written response boxes.
Q: How do I know if my production is eligible for each category?
A: Each of the sixteen competitive awards categories has specific eligibility requirements. For a detailed breakdown of these eligibility requirements, click here.
Q: How do adjudicators evaluate each category?
A: The GHSMTA celebrates excellence in high school musical theatre. Excellence is inherently subjective, however, our adjudicators use a scoring tool which breaks down each category into its individual criteria that are then scored individually. The final category score represents an equally weighted composite of all aspects that have been determined to be essential for evaluation of each category. To find out more about the criteria that are evaluated for each category, please review both the Criteria for Excellence as well as our Adjudication Rubric.
Q: If I have any additional questions, where can I ask follow-up questions?
A: You can send any additional questions to Elizabeth Lenhart at
And finally, love what we’re doing? Learn more about how to support ArtsBridge Foundation and the Georgia High School Musical Theatre Awards - Shuler Hensley Awards® at
Q: What are the Shuler Hensley Awards/Shuler Awards®?
A: Presented as the Shuler Hensley Awards® and known as “The Shuler Awards®” or “Shulers®,” the education program is named for the Atlanta-born star of the stage and screen who typically emcees an annual ceremony in the tradition of the Tony Awards®. Nominees and winners are recognized as the best of the state’s high school musical theatre students and schools of the academic year, with two winners—best actress and actor—typically progressing to represent Georgia nationally in New York in June.
Q: What are the competition categories?
A: Fashioned after Broadway’s Tony Awards®, this year’s GHSMTA-Shuler Award® high schools and their students will compete in various categories. The main objectives of the program are to increase awareness, advocacy and support for Georgia’s arts education programs, to develop and foster growing talent by providing learning and performance opportunities, supporting I.D.E.A. (inclusion, diversity, equity, access) programing within high school performing arts programs, and cultivating/nurturing productive relationships among Georgia’s promising thespians and educators. The GHSMTA-Shuler Award® categories include direction, music direction, orchestra, choreography, , ensemble, technical execution, lighting, sound, scenic design, costumes, leading performers (actor/actress), supporting performers (non-gender specific), featured performer (non-gender specific), and overall production.
Q: Who are the sponsors?
A: Sponsors of the Shuler Awards® have included the Atlanta Braves Foundation, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Delta Community Credit Union, Deloitte, John & Mary Franklin Foundation, Georgia Lottery, Jimmy and Helen Carlos, Shan Cooper and Tyler Perry Studios. A full list of sponsors is available online at We are thankful for the generosity of our financial supporters who recognize the importance and educational value of the Shuler Awards® program. Additional corporate donations or private contributions to the GHSMTA are appreciated and may be submitted online at
Q: What is ArtsBridge Foundation?
A: ArtsBridge Foundation is dedicated to providing quality arts education and community programs that engage, motivate, inspire, and elevate the next generation of artists and arts supporters. ArtsBridge provides arts education opportunities to K-12 students through programs at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre, including field trips, professional development, and the annual Georgia High School Musical Theatre Awards-Shuler Hensley Awards®. Since 2007, ArtsBridge has served more than 425,000 students and educators from 70 Georgia counties, plus students from five bordering states. ArtsBridge Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. ArtsBridge Foundation and GPB-TV’s live broadcast of The Shulers® won the Southeast Emmy® Award in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023 for special event live coverage, indicative of the superb quality and high production value Georgia students bring at show time. To learn more visit
Q: Anything else I should know?
A: ArtsBridge follows a principle of I.D.E.A. (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access), because we are committed to diversity at all levels and of all kinds, and we celebrate the uniqueness and gifts of everyone. In line with our Mission and Vision we embrace and welcome ALL to participate in our program!