GHSMTA (Shuler) Student Ensemble

What is the Shuler Student Ensemble?
The Shuler Student Ensemble electrifies the Shuler Awards by opening and closing the show with exceptional talent, representing all participating school casts in the state.
Immediately after nominations are announced, the director will receive a Google form allowing them to select and submit the students who will participate in the Shuler Ensemble. Each school may submit (2) two students who are both singers and dancers from the cast of their Shuler adjudicated musical.
Student Eligibility:
- Students must be registered in grades 9-12 at the participating Shuler high school.
- Must be cast members in their participating high school Shuler adjudicated musical.
- Ensemble students may not be nominated in any category Shuler adjudicated musical (e.g. they may not be eligible for ANY category).
- Must be strong singers/dancers with a strong work ethic, good behavior and adherence to the I.D.E.A. Policy
- Ensemble members MUST be available to participate in ALL of the scheduled Ensemble rehearsals. There will be NO exceptions to this rule.
- All students must digitally sign and submit the I.D.E.A. Policy acknowledging their agreement to abide and act with their behaviors, attitude, verbal expressions and actions in a way that is in alignment with the objectives and mission of ArtsBridge Foundation. By signing this agreement, the student realizes that any action that falls outside of these standards and practices may result in their removal (and possible the removal of the entire school's community) from the GHSMTA.
- Must behave professionally in concurrence with the Actors Equity Association - Actors' Etiquette
Please select students who are available and willing to make the commitment. Rehearsal dates are April 11-17, 2025.